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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saints, Feast, Family - Traditions passed down with Cooking, Crafting, & Caring  - July 6   Saint of the day: Saint Nazaria Ignacia ...

Saturday, July 13, 2024


July 13

 Saint of the day:

Saint Henry

Patron Saint of the childless, of Dukes, of the handicapped and those rejected by Religious Order

Vinny's Corner

Friday, July 12, 2024


July 12 

Saint of the day:

Saint Veronica

Patron Saint of the images; laundry workers, pictures, photos, photographers

Thursday, July 11, 2024

 Writer E.B. White Born, 1899

July 11

Saint of the day:

Saint Olga of Kiev

 Isapóstolos: “Equal to the Apostles.”

Thursday Feast

Thursday is the day of the week that our Lord gave himself up for consumption. Thursday commemorates the last supper. Some theologians believe after Sunday Thursday is the holiest day of the week. We should then try to make this day special by making a visit to the blessed sacrament chapel, Mass or even stopping by the grave of a loved one. Why not plan to count the blessing of the week and thank our Lord. Plan a special meal. Be at Peace.

·         According to Mary Agreda[1] in her visions it was on a Thursday at six o'clock in the evening and at the approach of night that the Angel Gabriel approached and announced her as Mother of God and she gave her fiat.

Wolfgang Puck Thursday Feast

  • Cocktails
  • Corn and Bacon Soup with Jalapeño Crema
  • Hot Dog Melts
  • Pork Schnitzel with Warm Potato Salad
  • Espresso-Chocolate Semifreddo

Places to Visit in July[2]

Monterey, California

I was super keen to see Monterey and the historic Cannery Row Historic District, and when I visited, I knew it had to be included on this list!

Summer doesn’t get too hot here, but the weather is pleasant, and I loved its unique boutique hotels, cute independent shops, and relaxed seafood restaurants where I could gaze at the waves and ocean views while dining.

I recommend walking through Monterey State Historic Park to see some of the area’s oldest and most significant buildings, including the cathedral of San Carlos Borromeo (the oldest in California).

Plenty of outdoor pursuits are available, with excellent surfing and wildlife spotting along the Monterey Bay Coastal Recreational Trail and The Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary.

    Visitor’s Center Address: 419 Webster St Suite 100, Monterey, CA 93940

    Average temperature – 68 degrees

My favorite highlights…

    Wandering around the setting for John Steinbeck’s novel, Cannery Row Downtown, which was filled with cool shops and restaurants.

    Taking in the coastline views at Point Sur Lightstation, a historic landmark overlooking the ocean.

    Check out the Monterey Museum of Art, which is home to over 14,000 pieces.

Rachel’s Corner

My people will live in a peaceful country, in secure dwellings and quiet resting places. Isaiah 32:18

·       Let Freedom Ring Day 5 "Freedom from Cowardice" by Fr. Rick Heilman

·         Tired of thinking of the New World Order: Just make yourself a Mojito!

·         Take a spiritual retreat

It Can Be Hard to Find an Accommodating Space

Intentionally immerse yourself in a serene space

Let’s face it, it can be hard to find an ideal retreat location to retreat. Even vacations can become more work than they are worth. The space we surround ourselves in has a huge impact on our ability to find rest and renewal and to create and inspire.

Villa Maria del Mar is a house of hospitality for individuals and groups seeking a beautiful and serene space for prayer, planning, and healing.

Villa Maria Del Mar Features

Overnight Group Retreats

Individual Retreat and Renewal

Meeting Spaces for Day Groups

On-Site Livestreaming

Complete Food Service

Dietary Accommodations

[1] Venerable Mary of Agreda. The Mystical City of God: Complete Edition Containing all Four Volumes with Illustrations (p. 770). Veritatis Splendor Publications. Kindle Edition

If Your Marriage Stinks, Then You NEED This NOW!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


July 10


Saint of the day:

Saint Amelia or Saint Amalberga

Dara’s Corner-It’s okay to have a Pina Colada-just keep your self-control.

·         National Pina Colada Day

Self-control[1] is the ability to regulate and alter your responses to avoid undesirable behaviors, increase desirable ones, and achieve long-term goals. Research has shown that possessing self-control can be important for health and well-being.1

Psychologists typically define self-control as:

  • The ability to control behaviors to avoid temptations and achieve goals
  • The ability to delay gratification and resist unwanted behaviors or urges
  • A limited resource that can be depleted

People use various terms for self-control, including discipline, determination, grit, willpower, and fortitude. Some researchers believe that self-control is partly determined by genetics,3 but it is also a skill you can strengthen with practice.

Self-control is one aspect of executive function, a set of abilities that helps people to plan, monitor, and achieve their goals. People with attention-deficit attention disorder (ADHD) often have characteristics linked to problems with executive function.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Saints, Feast, Family

- Traditions passed down with Cooking, Crafting, & Caring  -

July 9

 Saint of the day:

Saint Augustine Zhao Rong

Candaces Corner-Stop the soul sucking

5 Things to Do When You Are Betrayed by Another Catholic

 ·         Move Beyond Distrust

o    Our religious affiliation does not ensure that we act in a saintly manner — which is why confession so readily available.

·         Make a Decision

o    You can let this betrayal drag you down or you can use it to help you find a deeper faith and closer relationship to Christ.

·         Work Through the Emotional Baggage

o    As always, prayer is the best recourse. It is okay to go to God and tell him why you are seething. Of course, he already knows, but somehow the act of explaining it to him has a way of lightening the load.

·         Consider Your Unique Abilities

o    Our betrayals can, if we don’t let them destroy us, be a signal of what types of souls God wants us to help.

·         Remember the Ransom

o    In Les Miserables there is the iconic scene where the saintly old bishop, just after telling the police that Jean Valjean was actually given the silver he stole, says to the hardened criminal, “Jean Valjean my brother you no longer belong to evil. With this silver, I have bought your soul. I’ve ransomed you from fear and hatred, and now I give you back to God.”

Monday, July 8, 2024

Monday Night at the Movies

 On the Waterfront

Chef Wolfgang Puck born 1949

July 8

Saint of the day:

Saint Sunniva

Patron Saint of Bergen, Norway

Irish princess and Martyr of Purity, who chose exile on the Norwegian island of Selja over marrying a heathen viking.

Christopher’s Corner-It’s Islamic New Year in Kuwait